11 August, 2011

the pacific northwest, only not

This has been the coolest summer I can remember around here. Like, wearing long sleeves (grant: thin cotton tees, but still!)  and/or long pants kinda cool. Grey mornings, so humid that my hair won't dry if it's in a clip. Sun creeping out midafternoon, just in time to help me with the dark-yarn knitting, but without enough force to warm things up. I have been tempted to wear socks, mes amis. And I don't wear socks in SoCal unless it's, like, November or I'm wearing boots.

I know it's too much to hope that the normal Death Heat of September and October will skip us, but I just want to go on record saying July was a rare and precious gift, and August has been awesome so far, and oh please, spirits of cloud and air, keep this up.


  1. Unusually cool-ish here as well. We had hail in early June, which I missed, being in the wrong part of town at the time. Nobody here recalls hail anywhere except on the summit of Mauna Kea. One woman called the police to report someone was throwing rocks at her house.

  2. Hail! I almost miss hail. We had frost a couple days this winter, at least on the grass, and I danced in it.
